Our dream is to see those struggling with addiction get the help they need.


SAMHSA’s mission is to lead public health and service delivery efforts that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster

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How To Stay Sober This Holiday Season By Amber Biello-Taylor, CAP, LCSW | November 28, 2023 Sobriety And The Holiday Season The holiday season is

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Reach out if you or someone you love needs help.


What is JCANS?

JCANS gives support and resources to individuals with substance use disorder an opportunity to overcome their addictions and begin taking steps to life long recovery. JCans is named after our son, Jonathan Cannon, and his handprint is our logo. Revolution One Voice. One Heart. is a slogan we created to identify a revolutionary movement to see change in the war on substance use.

JCANS in The News

Support JCANS

With your contributions we are able to provide a wide range of support for those who need it the most. 


Assist with transportation costs depending on circumstances of each individual need.

Help for those who need it

Off set costs of detox or rehab services depending on factors unique to each persons needs.

Family Support

Encouragement and resources for families navigating the challenges in helping those they love with SUD.

Partner Support

Supports organizations that partner with JCANS to advance awareness, education, prevention, treatment and recovery.

Miscellaneous Expenses

Cost incurred for miscellaneous expenses, educational materials, conference participation, seminars, and network meetings with local, state and national leaders.

Adult Children In Crisis

Supports Hope For Moms monthly organizational meetings.


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